SSRS DataBrief <p>SSRS DataBrief is a scientific study article published by the SSRS Publishing (SSRS Group). This journal is published annually and presents articles on the results of studies in agriculture and the environment.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Editor in Chief<br /></strong><strong>Rahmat Asy'Ari <br /></strong><em>SSRS-RO1 Forest Research Group, IPB SSRS Association, IPB University<br /><br /></em></p> <p><strong>Secretariat Office </strong><em><strong><br /></strong>Office I - IPB SSRS Association Chapter, IPB University</em></p> en-US Fri, 27 Oct 2023 15:21:36 +0700 OJS 60 Spatiotemporal for Sea Reclamation in Makassar City Coastline, South Sulawesi: Best Solution or Environmental Impact? <p>-</p> Lenny Eka Nurhawaillah, Rahmat Asy'Ari , Winda Beatrix Alamako, Muhammad Fikruddin Aslam, Fathan Aldi Rivai, Neviaty P. Zamani, Yudi Setiawan, Rahmat Pramulya Copyright (c) 2023 SSRS DataBrief Thu, 26 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700