SSRS Publishing is a member of the SSRS Group.


  • SSRS Journal A: Agro-Environmental Research

    SSRS Journal A: Agro-Environmental Research, journal is a scientific journal published by the SSRS Publishing (SSRS Group). This journal is published annually and presents articles on research results on agriculture and the environment.


    Editor in Chief
    Dr. Heru Bagus Pulunggono
    Department of Soil Science and Land Resource, IPB University

    Secretariat Office 
    Office I - IPB SSRS Association Chapter, IPB University

  • SSRS Journal B: Spatial Research

    SSRS Journal B: Spatial Research, the journal is a scientific journal published by the IPB SSRS Association student research organization, IPB University. This journal is published annually and presents articles on the results of research on geospatial.


    Editor in Chief

    Dr. Yudi Setiawan

    Center for Environmental Research, IPB University

  • SSRS Book Series

    SSRS Book Series, is a scientific article published by the SSRS Publishing (SSRS Group). This book is published annually and presents articles on research results on agriculture and the environment and other topics.


    Editor in Chief
    Rahmat Asy'Ari
    SSRS EarthInformatics Labs, SSRS Institute, SSRS Group

    Secretariat Office 
    SSRS Publishing Head Office - SSRS Institute, Bogor INDONESIA

  • SSRS DataBrief

    SSRS DataBrief is a scientific study article published by the SSRS Publishing (SSRS Group). This journal is published annually and presents articles on the results of studies in agriculture and the environment.


    Editor in Chief
    Rahmat Asy'Ari 
    SSRS-RO1 Forest Research Group, IPB SSRS Association, IPB University

    Secretariat Office 
    Office I - IPB SSRS Association Chapter, IPB University

  • SSRS Info-Brief

    SSRS Info-Brief merupakan info-brief yang menyajikan hasil kajian kelompok riset dari IPB SSRS Association. SSRS Info-Brief memiliki terbitan dalam setahun sebanyak dua kali.


    Editor in Chief

    Arina Qinthara Pramesti
    SSRS-RO7 Food Research Group, IPB SSRS Association

  • SSRS Megazine

    SSRS Megazine merupakan majalah IPB SSRS Association yang menyajikan hasil kajian ilmiah dari berbagai topik. SSRS Megazine memiliki terbitan sebanyak dua kali dalam setahun.


    Editor in Chief

    Shafiq Nayottama Ramadhan
    SSRS-RO5 Peatland Ecosystem Research Group, IPB SSRS Association